Step 1: Click On Media Assets

Step 2: Click On Bookstore

Step 3: Click On Create Ebook Library

Step 4: Give Ebook Library a Title
After selecting a title for your Ebook library, proceed to click on the "create" button.

Step 5: Add a Appearance
This is the section where you upload the image that will be shown on the cover of your ebook library.

Step 6: Click Upload Image
This is the section where you will upload the image that will appear.

Step 7: Select your Image
Once the desired image has been chosen, click Open.

Step 8: Click apply
Make the necessary adjustments to the image so that it fits within the designated blue crop box.

Step 9: Select the image, then click Apply
Now that your image has been added to the Library, pick the image you just uploaded.

Step 10: Repeat the process
You want the same image to be in all of the appearance boxes.

Step 11: Click Published, then Save
Your Ebook Library will not be active if you don't click Publish.

Step 12: Click Back

Step 13: Click Create Ebook
Now that you have an Ebook library, you can start making the books that will go in it.

Step 14: Give your Ebook a Title
This will be the title of the individual ebooks in your library.

Step 15: Select the Ebook Library
This is the library where your book will be placed.

Step 16: Fill out the highlighted areas

Step 17: Click here to upload your Ebook

Step 18: Select the Ebook file you want to upload
Your files will appear automatically; select the Ebook (.epub or .pdf files) you wish to upload, then click open.

Step 19: Ebook file has now been Uploaded

Step 20: Add appearance for your Ebook cover
To add a cover to your ebook, go to the "appearance" box and click on grey book cover box.

Step 21: Click on Upload Image

Step 22: Select Your Image
After selecting the desired image, proceed to click on the "open" button.

Step 23: Now Select Your image, then click Apply

Step 24: Ebook appearance now includes your image
Take note of how the Ebook adopted its appearance image also.

Step 25: Click Publish, then save

CONGRATULATIONS you have finished creating a Ebook Library and uploading your Ebook