We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to NOWCAST, where you will begin the process of building a high-quality mobile app for both iOS and Android, as well as apps for ROKU, Apple TV, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Google TV with Chromecast TV.
The steps below will ensure your app meets the minimum requirements to pass both Android & Apple app store approval process by creating your Basic Submission App (BSA). After your app has been published, you will be able to add more details and media items to your published app.

Let's kick things off with a friendly Zoom chat with your onboarding specialist. Simply head over to go.nowcast.cc/support to set it up, or feel free to click the button below. Looking forward to getting started with you!

NOTE FOR STEP 1: PLEASE CREATE THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) MOBILE APP TABS TO ENSURE YOUR APP PASSES THE APP STORE APPROVAL PROCESS: Home (Select "Create Your Own Custom"), VOD (Select "Create Your Own Custom"), Events (Calender), and Social Media. **NOTE: You can change these Mobile App Tabs once your App has been published on the app stores.​

You have completed your Basic Submission App. Please email support@nowcast.cc letting us know that you are ready for your Mobile & TV apps to be submitted to the iOS, Android, Roku, & Amazon app stores.
Please do not edit your BSA (Basic Submission App) until your apps are accepted and published on each app store. You can keep updating and/or adding to your apps once they have been published. Your NOWCAST Support Team is available to help you at any time during the app-building process. Thank you once more for using NOWCAST.
NOWCAST Support Team